
Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Title          :  Nyai
Format      :  30 cm X 40 cm
Media       :  Oil on Canvas
Price         :  Not for sale
Date          : January 1991
Created by: Dimas Handono Djati

This painting is my own visualisation the image figure of the oceans guardian as myth from javanesse Legend, I never see her but some one that people around Pelabuhan Ratu Village believed to Medium his name is Babengkong told me so detail what kind of that oceans Guardian.  After he tell me what kind things of her than I can Drawing her face and fashion.

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Located : Jagakarsa. Jakarta. Indonesia.
Title       : Look at the sky
I shoot the tree at 2:30 pm
with the bright weather and all white cloud

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Title   : Indonesian Bali  Mask
Owner : Private collection.
Locate : Jagakarsa House. Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta. Indonesia.
Format : 60cm x 17cm
Media  : wood

Dimas handono djati Art Photography syndrom

Locate : Jagakarsa. Jakarta.Indonesia.
Model  : Efraim Paruntu
Dark side Art Photo shoot its better for me than dont have any new idea, beetween lightning and me is the object for my art photo. Thanks.. see you in next photo..

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Health Service

Masalah pelayanan kesehatan yang manusiawi memang masih jauh untuk bisa dilaksanakan. Banyak hal yang perlu dibenahi oleh para ahli pikir Indonesia saat ini. Kita memang tak etis kalau hanya bisanya omong,kritik,hujat demo,omong kritik hujat demo omong kritik hujat demo terus sampai tua tanpa ada tindakan apapun. Sebab mungkin diantara anggota parlemen kita yang terhormat ada yang kupingnya budeg. Merubah sifat orang menjadi manusiawi melalui pelayanan kesehatan memang tak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Seperti yang telah dibahas beberapa waktu lalu di Blog ini tentang pelayanan di unit gawat darurat rumah sakit negeri kita yang tercinta ini, sungguh tak manusiawi sekali bagi orang tak berpunya yang tertimpa musibah kecelakaan dan masuk unit gawat darurat dengan tanpa asuransi dan tanpa uang. Mungkin orang akan berpikir berapa uang yang harus dikeluarkan untuk biaya pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan di unit gawat darurat untuk menyelamatkan nyawa korban kecelakaan.  Kalau kita tinjau sebenarnya, musibah terjadi pada diri seseorang tidaklah setiap hari tapi mungkin hanya seumur hidup sekali, dan yang seumur hidup sekali itu mungkin akan berujung berkurangnya simpanan harta benda atau bahkan ludes sama sekali harta benda yang dimiliki si korban hanya untuk biaya menahan nyawanya jangan sampai putus. Sebenarnya jika kita teliti (tentunya dengan sisi kacamata saya yang IQnya standart tidak seperti anggota Dewan kita yang terhormat yang IQnya bisa menghitung 10 pangkat 10 dalam waktu 5 detik) Pemerintah memiliki dana untuk itu, dan ternyata dana itu lolos dari pengamatan kita dan terbuang walau tak percuma. Bayangkan setiap bulannya kita selalu membiarkan peluang itu berlalu begitu saja di depan hidung kita melalui perputaran uang di dunia pendidikan. Jika kita mau membicarakan soal asuransi kecelakaan maka yang terbayang adalah premi yang tak suseuai dengan kemampuan gaji golongan menengah apalagi kalau belum bekerja. Para ahli mungkin bisa menghitung, dari 200 juta lebih penduduk Indonesia berapa yang mengenyam pendidikan setingkat sd,smp, sma dan perguruan tinggi. Semuanya butuh waktu rata rata 15 tahun untuk sekolah ditambah waktu kuliah untuk memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan. Untuk setiap bulannya sekolah  tingkat SD dan SMP sekarang sudah ada yang gratis, SD selama 6 tahun dan SMP selama 3 tahun. Dari sisi ini sebenarnya sudah bisa diperoleh dana untuk asuransi kecelakaan atau lainnya, guna persiapan jika terjadi suatu musibah.  Setiap bulan selama 6 tahun, uang sekolah jatah setiap siswa dipotong 3000 rupiah atau ditambah oleh pemerintah (bagi yang sekolah gratis) 3000 rupiah untuk premi asuransi kecelakaan dan lainnya. Dan untuk tingkat lanjut, selama tiga tahun kedepan pendidikan untuk tingkat SMP juga menerapkan system asuransi yang sama (penambahan dana 3000 rupiah setiap bulan) dan kemudian tahun berikutnya untuk tingkat SMA dan perguruan tinggi. Sehingga pelajar dan Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan kartu pelajar  atau kartu mahasiswa yang berfungsi ganda sekaligus sebagai kartu asuransi kecelakaan jika terjadi musibah. Mungkin sekali akan bisa dikembangkan untuk biaya rawat inap. Tentu perusahaan asuransi Yang ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah haruslah perusahaan yang mumpuni milik pemerintah yang telah lama berpengalaman, bukan perusahaan asing atau perusahaan asuransi abal abal yang pernah bangkrut kembang kempis. Berapa dana yang terkumpul jika seorang siswa setiap bulannya membayar premi asuransi selama 6 tahun atau lebih dengan harga premi yang setara dengan harga semangkuk mie ayam lalu jumlahnya dikalikan dengan semua jumlah pelajar tingkat SD di seluruh Indonesia? berapa untuk tingkat SMP? dan Berapa untuk tingka SMA dan perguruan tinggi? suatu jumlah yang fantastis!.. Suatu jumlah yang dapat menolong orang yang tertimpa musibah jika terjadi kecelakaan yang membutuhkan pertolongan mendadak, karena walaupun sudah tidak memegang kartu pelajar atau kartu Mahasiswa maka kartu tanda penduduk dapat berfungsi sebagai kartu asuransi karena si korban telah membayar premi asuransi sejak mengenyam penidikan di SD SMP SMU dan mungkin perguruan tinggi. Dan perlu dicatat! kecelakaan tidak terjadi pada setiap hari dan setiap orang  seumur hidupnya. Artinya : Pemerintah tak mungkin rugi apalagi bangkrut untuk menciptakan sistem asuransi seperti ini. karena mustahil semua ratusan juta warga negara Indonesia terkena musibah kecelakan dalam waktu yang sama dan bersamaan. Untuk menciptakan sistem asuransi seperti ini perlu adanya kerja sama antara Kementrian kesehatan dan kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Kita berharap, melalui ladang uang ini, sistem telah menciptakan kita menjadi manusia Indonesia yang beradab dan berperikemanusiaan dalam hal pelayanan kesehatan yang manusiawi. Sehingga semoga dengan Ridho Allah,.. kita dan Pemerintah dapat membicarakan sistem ini dan kemudian mewujudkan dan melaksanakan. Kebocoran dana? kkn? pasti terjadi, halangan dan gangguan pasti ada, tapi setidaknya kita telah berusaha menciptakan suatu sistem yang dapat menjamin keselamatan dan kebaikan untuk orang banyak dengan lebih berperikemanusiaan.

The human health problems is still much to be done. Many things need to be addressed by the experts think Indonesia. We do not usually talk about just unethical, criticism, blasphemies demo, by way of criticism of criticism blasphemy blasphemy demo demo continued until dark without any action. For perhaps among our esteemed Board member was deaf ears. Changing the nature of the human being through health care is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. As has been discussed some time ago on this blog about the service in a hospital emergency room, our beloved country is, it is not humane at all for people dispossessed who suffered an accident and emergency unit admission with no insurance and no money. Maybe people will think of how much money should be spent on first aid in emergency to save the life of the accident victim. If we review the actual disaster occurs in a person is not every day but maybe only once a lifetime, and a lifetime so it would probably lead to loss of property deposits or even sold at all property owned by the victim only for the cost of his life do not hold off. Actually, if we are careful (of course with my glasses the standard IQ unlike our esteemed Board member whose IQ could count 10 to the 10 in 30 seconds) The Government has the funds for it, and it turns out that the funds have escaped us and wasted though not useless. Imagine every month we always let the opportunity slip away in front of our noses through the velocity of money in the world of education. If we want to talk about what comes to mind casualty insurance premiums are not suseuai with the ability to pay of the middle class especially if it has not worked. The experts may be able to count, more than 200 million Indonesian population how the education level of sd, smp, sma and colleges. Everything it took an average of 15 years for the school plus college to earn a degree. For each month primary and junior high schools now have some free, for 6 years of elementary and secondary school for 3 years. From this side has actually been able to obtain funding for accident insurance or other, in order to prepare in the event of a disaster. Every month for the past 6 years, tuition per student cut rations 3000 rupiah or supplemented by the government (for a free education) 3000 dollars for insurance premiums and other accidents. And for advanced, as long as three years College in level  Smp also apply the same insurance system (3000 rupiah additional funds each month) and then the next year for high school and college. So that learners and students can use a student card or student card doubles as well as accident insurance card in case of disaster. Likely to be developed for the cost of hospitalization. The insurance companies certainly are appointed by the Government to be a capable state-owned enterprises that have long experienced, not a foreign company or an insurance company ever went bankrupt Abal Abal flowers deflated. How the funds collected if a student each month to pay the insurance premium for 6 years or more at a price equal to the price premium bowl of chicken noodle and amount multiplied by any number of primary school students in Indonesia? How to junior level? and How to tingka high school and college? an amount that is fantastic! .. An amount that can help people who suffered in the event of an accident requiring immediate sudden, because despite not holding a student card or student card identity card can then serve as an insurance card because the victim has to pay insurance premiums since received his elementary penidikan in junior high school and possibly college. And it should be noted! accidents do not happen every day, and every person in her life. Meaning: The government does not lose much less likely to create a bankrupt insurance system like this. because it is impossible for hundreds of millions of citizens of Indonesia devastated accidents in the same time and simultaneously. To create such an insurance system is in need of the cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of education and culture. We hope, through the fields of money, the system has created us human Indonesia civilized and humane in terms of human health care. So hopefully with Blessing from Allah,. we can talk about the system and the government is and then realize and implement. Leakage of funds? Corruptions?.. collutions?.. certainly occur, there must be obstacles and distractions, but at least we've tried to create a system that can ensure the safety and kindness to people much more humane.

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

locate : Jagakarsa. Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta. Indonesia.

Image taken from the corner of a home at any time during the day with bright sunlight.
When shooting is not required sophisticated and expensive cameras
only with several settings, you or the general public will easily capture photographic images like this though still a beginner.

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Located : House of Jagakarsa. Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta. Indonesia.
Title : Pandan wangi

shooting in cloudy weather conditions in the month of november
this plant can used as a natural fragrance for baking and cooking

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Locate : Rumah Jagakarsa. Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta. Indonesia.
I take a picture from my room
and outside is garden
maybe I will make this photo in the night with maximal lightening
I must try that shoot without sunlight, is new idea..

Jumat, 30 November 2012

The people relationship by chinesse calendar

The people relationship by Chinese calender or shio who was born in the year of horse.

Horse with:

Mouse : will cause grief for not going along.
Buffalo: There can not match, because the shio horse is hard and can not be                                          
               understood by shio buffalo.

Tiger: the relationship would be nice, shio tiger with shio horse will be produce for self-reliance.

Rabbit: shio horse will have its own busyness. So is the shio rabbit.

Dragon: many of the problems that would be clear and good.

Snake: shio Snake would not like the horse.

Horses :  will understand each other but also each count.

Goat: shio goat will be happy but it is not helping the shio horse

monkeys: one with each other not worry be confusing

Chicken: shio chicken will be disappointed in the lack of attention from shio horse.

Dog: shio dog can not understand the shio horse no worries, resulting zodiac dog to be able to self.

Pig : Shio horse cannot be expect to shio pig because shio pig always fighting.

By Pongky Halim

hubungan antar manusia menurut penanggalan China

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Lida buaya is Indonesian name for this plant and latin name is Aloe vera
some times I make mix juice with strawberry and sugar, its very delicious
and you can used it for your hair to make grows and more fertile
this is one of more my plant collection

Senin, 26 November 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

May be this picture is different with my another photo
because there is not much color look like Expressionist Abstract Painting
and this is my favorite one of my photo.

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

I dont know what kind of this plant maybe is lontar tree
it was 2 meter 50 cm high or more.  This tree was in my garden since 1991
and it seemed powerful because when prolonged summer in Indonesia, this tree looks never dry,
I guess because these trees grow so close to the water tank,
I took a picture at any time during the day with cloudy weather

Located : Jagakarsa. Jakarta. Indonesia

Minggu, 25 November 2012

Dimas Handono Djati Photo Abstract Expressionist

Lontar tree and my left hand.
I take a picture in my garden.
See you with my next Painting and my Photo Abstract expressionist,
Thank you very much.

Kamis, 22 November 2012

Fog in Pangrango Mountain. West Java. Indonesia

From left : Egi, Echo,Iwak, Abeth

And they all are my friends went to Pangrango Mountain.   One of them upload this photo via facebook, when i look at it I feel my monitor glass was not clean.  I wiping the glass monitor and cannot be change the configure of fog picture.

I again took a closer picture to enlarge the smoke, and it turns out the picture is an image that resembles a creature such as skulls, wolves and humans without eyes. My comment then. And my friends say do not see any. When I met my friend at his house, and all the pictures they turned out really resemble the creepy creatures, only that time they did not want to discuss it because one of them was very frightened when they were in the mountains Pangrango.

from the left : Iwak,Echo,Egi,Sondi,Abeth
three red circle i made it to make sure people  look at it so detail what kind the smoke or fog configuring  something look like skull (small circle), human with no eyes (middle circle) and wolf (large circle).

Minggu, 18 November 2012

For sale

Title  :  'Dua kucing'
format : 110 cm X 70 cm
Media : Oil on canvas
Date   :  1998
Made by : Dimas Handono Djati
Place      : Jln Raya Cokorde Agung. Citra Photo.Peliatan.Ubud.  Bali. Indonesia.

Jumat, 09 November 2012


This video submissions from a friend via blackberry messenger.
Watched this horrible scene happened at one of the waterfalls in southern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Indeed unfortunate fate of those affected by this tragedy, they do not know what will happen to them when the river water has not been flowing.

We certainly hope there is warning signs boards at the edge of the river for the people who are going on holiday to a place like that.

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Indonesian Resto, 'Warung pecel Madiun'

I got my lunch with my friends in restaurant with Indonesian style at Mohamad Kafi II street, number 40. Jakarta selatan.   This comfortable place with some Gazebo or we called that is 'Saung' for people who wants to eat, some table and chair in another room.
The architecture of this place with beautiful flowering garden used by design of  local east Java from Madiun city.  More important, this restaurant have delicious food to eat.  There is europeans menu for people who wants try something different.






Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Sang Penakluk

Dengan senyum yang indah seperti mentari di pagi hari

     dengan deretan gigi putih seperti mutiara berbaris

     dengan bahu yang bidang bagai busur panah

     sebagai pria sejati laksana  Arjuna dengan panah asmara yang tak pernah meleset

     sebagai wanita sejati bagai Srikandi yang membela kekasih dengan darah dan jiwa

     sebagai penakluk yang menguasai tiga dunia,.. dunia lautan,daratan dan dunia angin..

Dengan bekas tapak kakinya melampaui satu,dua dan tiga daratan

     dengan kekuasaannya yang menaklukan makhluk bengis...

     dengan pribadi yang bisa menjinakkan amarah dan nafsunya sehingga mampu menundukkan segala    
     hantu, jin dan setan..

     dengan manteranya yang mampu memerintahkan kawanan lebah untuk mengumpulkan madu sebagai obat

     dengan semangatnya yang tak pernah padam seperti pemuda birahi yang memburu para gadis

     dengan gigih,semangat dan kesabarannya seperti seorang janda yang menikahi pemuda perjaka di malam


     dengan kekuatan dan kekayaannya yang mampu bersenang-senang setiap hari bersama para istri dan selir

Dengan kekuatan  kebahagiaannya yang mampu membahagiakan orang lain..

     dengan kewibawaannya yang tanpa cemeti seperti penggembala domba yang menggiring ternaknya

     dengan ranting pohon..

     dengan kekuasaannya yang mampu menyengsarakan orang lain

     dan juga mampu memakmurkan bangsa lain...

 Jakarta. Jagakarsa. oktober 31. 2012
 Dimas Handono Djati


Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Art photography

This pictured made by my friend.  He wasnt a photographer.  I Gived him instruction for my style, lighting, costum and background to make me comfortable and have a nice picture. Photo made from Blackberry  9500, Camera 3.5 mega pixel.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012


Many people believed Aliens is intelligent beings.  There are smart than humans, they made high technology space ship and they had high civilization'

There is much movies about alien we can watch from dvd and theater.  
All of that film make the people from intellectual class sometimes gived the argument with evidence, with scientific explanation
and there is many witness tell to us they met with alien and talk to them so seriously.

For me to understanding of the aliens are intelligent beings is a lie and that is very exciting an old story to get people into ignorance 
with no real research to be trusted.
For me alien is idiot things or something Paganisme or Pagan belief.  I believed we are not alone in this universe.

I have rational and logical reason for the explanation about alien, and for me Alien was not intelligent beings of course 
they are not smart look like human.
If there is real foto of Alien something intelligent being creatures and my question is :

why almost all photographs of the aliens we see, being that we believe have the intelligence it always looks in the photos with no clothes or armor? for what they are naked? whether they're showing off?

If it is true they appear without clothes as in the scientific picture, it means something to prove that they did not know clothes.

If they do not know the clothes, it means they do not know their body armor or cover. If they do not know the closing body it means they do not know the technology of making cloth or clothes, and if they do not know the technology of clothing manufacture its simplest it means they do not know or do not have the technology of the manufacture/industrial of clothes to protect their bodies.

It's a logical explanation for the development of technology controlled by them.

Personally I believe that there are intelligent beings beyond our solar system that has a technology beyond human intelligence.
For the photographic evidence shown by the media I would argue that it is a creature that is not smart but a creature something like pets who have been trained to move aircraft or trained to drive the technology creation by creatures more intelligent than humans.

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012


On wednesday 8 2012 I was visiting a friend.   Home with a courtyard, I was watching a dvd movie with the title 'The rise of evil'. This movie about Adolf Hitler at the beginning of his resurrection.

At first I thought this movie there is no excess. Just like the other movie about Hitler.
Someone who wasted his life and turned the dark side in him had been sharpened and is supported by the surrounding community to become a monster.

Sentences and conversations in the film that is easily understood by the audience. so simple sentence, not too complicated, about their plans, about the opposition, on the establishment of the party, about the massacre plan, although there is no vulgar scenes of torture Jews, and it turns out step by step all the conversations that I heard in the movie that can make me shudder of fear like watching a horror movie.

Atrocity was planned by those who conspired, Abomination was created by members of the party were costumed in neatly with the fragrant scent of perfume, by sitting in a chair just for the honor, with people who are well educated, with those bearing the title of doctor-engineer-economist, chemist, physicist, and of course political and military strategists, and obedient to Adolf Hitler who had not accepted in the faculty of arts. And after that's done the honorable people meeting and then .. there was a filthy and vile thing that ever made ​​the Nazi party.

We never know, the culprit was man-made atrocities of the Nazi party or Hitler.
For the history books are the order of the various versions and from all sides. From the viewpoint of whom history is written. Some wise men say, history is written by those in power after the power is gone, then the writing of history is fair.

What about the history of Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, jengiz Khan, Aurangzeb and Akbar the great?

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012


This figure may actually be said something like fatamorgana, can be seen but can not be touched.  We can only hear the story through a Java wayang stories. There are a few things about semar similar to the story of the famous Abu Nawas. Only difference is attributed to Abu Nawas obtaining sultan Harun al Rashid. Similarity both of them is the hero of humor, a combination of the ingenuity, wit, ridiculousness and wisdom. If it is true figures exist only in fairy tales semar creation of the ancient Javanese authors, it means this is a most remarkable achievement in the history of ancient Javanese metaphysics literature.

In all Javanese wayang strories, Semar was not a God, if he angry his power can punish all goddess and gods.  He is a servant of all kind person who believed and obey to someone who created the universe and the heaven.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

SCTV live tv show in ' Kampoeng Kelapa Muda'. Jagakarsa. Jakarta selatan.Indonesia.

My residence in jl.kelapa muda. Jagakarsa. Jakarta.selatan. Indonesia. Long  time ago the name of this place was 'Kampung.kelapa.tiga'. The residents of surrounding areas at this time calling them by name 'kampung Kelapa Muda. or  'kelapa.muda'  street

One of the tv stations have chosen this area for special events broadcast live. the event starts on 18 July 2012 and completed on 19 July 2012 afternoon.

The tv crew requested permission to me to put up a banner that hangs above the words 'welcome to the village kelapamuda.jagakarsa'

Almost all citizens especially the women who reside in this region participate in this event for the dancing and singing, which became the winner in this event received cash prizes.

So many people in this place so that the access road to this place closed. Time was so short because I did not shoot a lot for this event. Many people I know who participated in this event.

Camera Video for shooting

Hey Uncle Marwah... please take me to my mom, I want to see my mom dancing... Ok Ok bozz

Preparation for practice dance

One of participant is my step Grand mother, she look at the camera when I shoot her. She is energic woman and so hoppely be a winner in this event and the next she isnt a winner and still happy. 

 Start to dance and singing!..

They all waiting to start dancing again

Dancing again


Preparation for second shooting.

Some crew with they instrument

Camera man and camera girl.

Camera man waiting for instructions

Camera girl was shooting with her manual up down video camera

One of the film star said : 'Jangan di foto donk! 

One of the participated practise dance