
Minggu, 08 November 2015

The Winner

He was black, born in the slums of Brooklyn, New York, he passed his life in a poor neighborhood and discrimination, one day his father gave him a piece of old clothes:
"You think, how the value of this outfit?" He replied:
"Maybe USD 1."
"Can sold for USD 2? If successful, it means you have to help your father and mother,
"I'll try," he took the clothes to the subway station and sells for more than six hours, he finally managed to sell $ 2 and ran home,
Later, his father again gave a piece of used clothing:
"Try you sell for $ 20?"
"How is it possible? This outfit most just USD 2 ".
His father said,
"Why are you ill try it first? "
Finally, he got the idea, he asked for help his cousin to describe a funny Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse that a rogue on the clothing, he then sold in the children rich school, and sold USD 25
his father again gave him a piece of used clothing,
"Are you able to sell it with the price of USD 200?".  This Time he received without the slightest doubt, incidentally popular film actress "Charlie's Angels", Farrah Fawcett was in New York, after the press conference, he broke through the security guard and asked Farrah Fawcett sign in clothing mark and then sold USD 1500.
On that night. His father asked:
"My son, from experience selling three pieces of clothing is what you understand?"
He replied,
"As long as we want to think there must be a way".  His father shook his head:
" you are not wrong! "
"But that's not what I mean, I just wanted to tell you that a piece of used clothing which is worth one dollar can also be increased in value, especially us, as human beings? Maybe we are dark-skinned and poor, but what's the difference? "
Since then, he studied with harder and harder training, twenty years later, his name is famous throughout  in the world. He is MICHAEL JORDAN ...

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