
Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Nano Technology


Indonesia development of nano technology was done since about 2000. Over 10 Last year appeared various applications.
Innovation has been growing field of nanotechnology The new venture instrumentation capable penetrate the world market.
Nanotechnology or substances engineering technology
scale of nanometers, or billionths of a meter past
development has not quite long.
The concept was first introduced in the late 1959 by Richard Feynman, physicist from America who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics
However, nanotechnology was already investigated first by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University. In 1940, he began studied the mechanism of nano material Quarts crystal, silicon, and ceramic alumina by using an ultrasonic machine.
Miniaturization of material until the molecular order conducted, among others, fueled by demand size reduction of electronic devices and
computer. With the presence of the nano particles, integrated circuit or IC measuring 1 centimeter
square, for example, can be loaded with billions of transistors
so that the circuit capacity
terabyte, no longer gigabytes.
Potential application of nanotechnology in fact greater, not merely to make nano material for microelectronic devices, but
also for other industries. Application of nano materials not only on the technical stuff, but also in food products, pharmaceuticals, and
The application of nanotechnology in various fields
will change the life of modern society.
By creating nanometer-scale particles, then getting inside  between particles micron-sized, will produce the type of material
super new character, such as the level of violence, delivery of electrical, and magnetic properties.
With the advantages that will be produced products
quality, which is not easy to wear, saving energy
because the heat-resistant, and does not require
cooling. Thus, it will save
operational and maintenance costs as well as friendly
Titan combines nanoscale materials Nitrile on
will produce a ceramic composite material
new diamond hardness exceeded. If
nano materials used in paint, will have an effect
anti scratch, waterproof, and reflect the heat.
The particle nano paint will make  home or vehicle remains cool even though exposed the sun.
Innovation in Indonesia In creating innovation in the field of
nanotechnology, researchers Indonesia no less with foreign researchers. Some works of innovation nano technologies in Indonesia exhibited in R & D Ritech Expo 2010. The exhibition, which ends Sunday (22/8) was showing around 28 products
nano technology innovation work of the nation.
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi
(BPPT), for example, featuring plastic packaging
and components of the solid electrolyte in fuel cells
nano composite material made of polymer.
The packaging materials are waterproof and air,
while the heat and electrolyte delivery electricity much better.
Meanwhile, researchers at the Center for Materials and
Technical Ministry of Industry (B4T
Kemperin) managed to make paint from precipitated
calcium carbonate (PCC) nanoscale.
PCC makes use of paint under construction
sea ​​scratch resistance, salt fog resistant, and very
While nanosilica made Nurul Taufiqu
Rochman of Applied Physics Research Center
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI),
when blended cement can produce concrete the magnitude of twice the strength of ordinary concrete.
Nano material applications also performed Andrea Marisi Dame Siahaan of B4T Kemperin. He
make spreader layer (diffuser) to light LED light alloy nano compound BCNO (Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen). By coating This nano, level LED lighting power 6 watts can equal 60 watt incandescent bulb.
Nano magnet also being designed for the system micro hydro power plant capacity 5 kilowatts. Head of Central Metal and Engineering (BBLM) Kemperin Muhammad Word
estimates, in two years, nano magnet
can already be applied to the system. Nano magnet will reduce half the diameter turbines, but the same capacity.
Meanwhile, nano material has been successfully infiltrated the commercial product produced by the national industry, among others, in
crystal display TV, sensors, textiles, cosmetics, drugs, and food. In cosmetics, there are moisturizers
nano cell made. This nano element can close better wrinkles and brighten the face. Grinding machine
To produce all materials and
nanoscale components, the key is
the material grinding machine. Maker nano particles, among others, made researchers in BBLM
Kemperin and Applied Physics Research Center
Nano materials making machine works Nurul Taufiqu
Rochman of LIPI then push
establishment of PT Nano tech Indonesia to producing works of this innovation. This machine only
draws about 12 percent of the engine kind. Machine called high energy milling (HEM) was booked by University Kebangsaan Malaysia for research purposes and further development.  "With this machine, Indonesia is likely to be nano materials supplier in the global market due mine has abundant raw materials, "
Nurul said who is also Chairman of Society Nano Indonesia. This innovation also provides
great advantage.  Smooth the iron sand into nano particles,
for example, can increase the value added 4,000 times. The high demand for mineral sands
nano-sized iron due to a variety of benefits, ie as high strength concrete, material sensors, membranes, and printer toner.
Less desirable Currently nanotechnology innovation began many used industry in Indonesia. Based Community surveys conducted Nano Indonesia, from 40 industries engaged in textiles, ceramics, electronics, and chemicals, there approximately 38 percent of which have utilized
materials and nano-tech machines. However, unfortunately about 90 percent of the product
import. Minister of Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata
lamented that fact. In fact, researchers Indonesia has produced a variety of works nano technology innovation. To overcome this,
Department research of Technology will increase synergies and intermediation with related parties that occur diffusion of nanotechnology in the industry.

By Yuni Ikawati

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